Wem Town Council is the first tier of local government and its priority is to deliver high quality services for its residents as well as articulating the needs and wishes of the residents of Wem to the principle authorities, at county, regional and national level.
As the tier of government closest to the electorate the Town Council is committed to promoting local democracy and citizenship. In addition to making themselves available and accessible Councillors take every opportunity to inform residents about opportunities to become involved in the exercise of democracy and to make their views known.
There are a number of organisations that can provide resources and advice
Local Democracy Campaign
The Local Democracy Campaign is about getting young people more involved with and aware of, their local council. Although aimed at the principal authority tier of local government the campaign website provides a number of ideas for engaging young people and a significant number of links to other relevant organisations.
The National Youth Agency
The NYA supports those involved in young people's personal and social development and works to enable all young people to fulfil their potential within a just society. They can provide you with information and resources aimed at young people.
Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA)
The IDeA works for local government improvement so councils can serve people and places better. The IDeA encourage people throughout the sector to share best practice.