a) to consider the following planning applications
i) 23/02035/OUT Outline permission for the erection of 23. affordable dwellings to include access, Proposed Residential Development Land To The West Of Swain Close Wem
ii) 23/02046/FUL Erection of a detached garage, formation of new vehicle and pedestrian accesses, alterations to boundary treatments in front garden and other associated works, Park View Park Road Wem SY4 5DA
iii) 23/02047/FUL Extension and alteration to Unit 30, and erection of 1x new commercial building (comprising 2 x B8 business units) to include provision of solar panels, EV charging points, and associated works | Unit 30 And Land Adjacent Wem Business Park New Street Wem SY4 5JX
iv) 23/02012/OUT Outline application for the erection of one detached dwelling with detached double garage to include access, Land Rear Of The Maltings 119 High Street Wem
v) 23/02451/HRM - To remove and replace a 15m section of hedgerow to create a temporary access for 18 months during maintenance works on land north of Wem Sewage Treatment Works - Land North Of Wem Sewage Works, Orchard Way, Wem, Shropshire, .
b) Preapplication opinion – to consider the following request for a pre application opinion
PREAPP/23/00203 Proposal: Request for pre-application advice in relation to Proposed erection of 16 two storey affordable dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping following demolition of all existing buildings Site address: Minton House, 17 New Street, Wem
c) Place Plan – to consider consultation on place plans