a) To note the recent planning decisions (copy enclosed).
b) To consider the following planning applications
i) 22/02335/FUL Residential Development of 3no dwellings together with associated external works and drainage, Coed Hill Aston Road Wem SY4 5JD
ii) 22/02371/FUL, Conversion and extension of double garage to self contained annexe ancillary to main dwelling, Gladrays Station Road Wem SY4 5BH
iii) 22/02398/FUL, Conversion and extension of existing store/workshop to form 1no dwelling, Land East Of New Street Wem Shropshire
iv) 22/02421/FUL, Erection of a single storey pitched roof rear extension to existing bungalow acting as residential care home to create office, 24 Bowens Field Wem SY4 5AP
v) 22/02680/TCA, Works to a number of trees (T1-T8) (see schedule) within Wem Conservation Area, 14 Chapel Street Wem SY4 5ER
vi) 22/02718/FUL, Erection of single storey front extension, installation of window in side elevation and formation of level driveway, Baobab House 22A Noble Street Wem SY4 5DZ
vii) 22/02001/EIA | Erection of three additional poultry units with associated air scrubber units, control rooms, feed blending rooms, feed bins, hardstandings, dirty water tanks and a drainage attenuation pond, together with retrofitting an air scrubber unit to an existing poultry shed, Meadowland Sleap Harmer Hill SY4 3HE
viii) 22/01990/PA3MA - Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended)- Roden Grove Vets, 1 Roden Grove, Wem.
ix) 22/02850/TCA - To fell 1no. Sycamore (T10) within Wem Conservation Area - St Peter And St Pauls Church, High Street, Wem, , .