a) To note the recent planning decisions.
b) To consider the following planning applications
i) 22/04744/FUL 26 Kynaston Drive, Wem, SY4 5DE
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to rear and conversion of existing garage to living accommodation.
ii) 22/05026/FUL 20 Fismes Way, Wem, SY4 5YD
Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension.
iii) 22/05030/FUL Coed Hill, Aston Road, Wem, SY4 5JD
Proposal: Residential development of 2No. dwellings together with single garages, associated external works and drainage (resubmission).
iv)22/04928/FUL Kingston, Soulton Road, Wem, SY4 5HR
Proposal: Replacement of existing dormers on front elevation and insertion of two new gable windows.
v) 22/04863/FUL The Pippins, 5 The Paddock, Whitchurch Road, Wem, SY4 5YA
Proposal: Conversion and small front extension of existing garage to form ground floor accessible bedroom.
vi) 22/04783/FUL / 22/04784/LBC 67 High Street Wem SY4 5DR
Proposal: Repair and utilise attached outbuilding at the rear, works to include constructing a new stud work partition on the first floor, reapplying an external render finish, enlarging garden WC by incorporating the wood store, works also include extending existing rear lobby with new and enlarged rear entrance hall with new staircases and under stairs WC affecting a grade 2 listed building.
c) For information
22/03272/FUL Unit 2 Central Car Park, High Street, Wem, SY4 5AA
Proposal: Erection of six bungalows with associated works.