a) to note the recent planning decisions
b) To consider the following planning applications
24/04341/FUL- Erection of extension to side creating Ground Floor Utility, Garage and w.c., and two additional bedrooms at first floor: - 19 Hazlitt Place, Wem, SY4 5JP.
24/02154/VAR S73 application to vary outline conditions 4 (Approved Plans) and 12 (GCN Licence) attached to appeal decision APP/L3245/W/20/3263642 dated 8 January 2022 : - Proposed Residential Development Land West Of, Lowe Hill Road, Wem, Shropshire.
24/04470/REM DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED - Reserved Matters - Approval of access, layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping for 100 residential units pursuant to planning to appeal decision APP/L3245/W/20/3263642 dated 28 January 2022
24/04580/FUL14 Barleyfields, Wem, SY4 5LU, Proposal: Proposed rear extension and conversion of existing garage